Easter 2013 I spent at the HobbitCon in Bonn.
Not, that I am a fan of the movie, but simply because of the presence of Sylvester McCoy I had to go. I am a Whovian and Sylvester McCoy aka the Seventh Doctor was reason enough for me to spent quite a lot time and money to meet him personally and get his autograph. I also joined one of te two panels he held - and it was gorgeous! Mr. McCoy was running around the audience, he was full of energy and showed in his answers both humor and wisdom. I liked especially his answer to the question by hom the next Doctor should be played. He gave no name, but suggested someone from Scotland, about 70 years old and 1.68 m height. Unfortunately I wasn't able to take some good photographs of his panel, because he was just too quick in motion for me.
As almost usual, I also met some of my fellow TTT-members and as ever we had a god time together.
Usually I feel fine on conventions and homely, but because the Hobbit is just not my fandom, this time it was not the case. Nevertheless, I am very glad that I was there and had the opportunity to experience Sylvester McCoy live.